Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why I do what I do.

If you click on the title of this post you will see one of the many reasons I am involved in youth ministry.

I love these guys! For all of the times I come home frustrated with ministry, I have 10 times when I come home energized and excited. I love teaching these kids (young adults, really) about Jesus and I love watching them actually "get" it.

I also love playing Kijabe Can Can and having the bragging rights of winning, but then having to admit that yes, I beat an 8th grader...woot!

And for those of you who do not know what Kijabe Can Can is...well...just go to you tube and type in Kijabe Can Can. You can get the jist of the idea. It's great fun.

I have been very blessed by the girls in my small group. It's a nice ego boost when we ask them to give concrete examples of when they have felt loved and they mention church and small group leaders (and me!) as times they have felt loved. It also made me feel good when I asked my students who loved them unconditionally and one of them threw her arms around me and said, "Carrie!". I'm glad they notice how much I care.

On the home front, things are good. Sam took Nathaniel to Disneyland yesterday for Daddy time while I went to school and work. I was sad that I couldn't go, but it's good for Sam and the boy to have some male time together.

Not too much else going on. Just working on church stuff, gearing up for Dodgeapalooza (the annual dodge ball tourney), studying for teaching and dreading class starting up in a week. Sigh. Short lived summer break for me.

1 comment:

Kate said...

That video was awesome! :)