Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Swine Flu?

About a week and a half ago we were hanging out at our friends' house when their 5 year old son went to bed early with a fever. Poor Caleb wasn't feeling well and ran a fever for nearly a week and when he was taken to the doctor was told that it was most likely the dreaded Swine Flu (you know, the flu that has been giving pork products a bad rap that actually isn't that big of a deal if you look at the big picture?). After a week of rest and pampering, Caleb was back to his old self by Friday.

I was slightly worried that Nathaniel and Aaron would catch the flu (or myself), but after a few days nothing happened so I began to breathe easier again.

Then Aaron got his croupy cough and I got a little nervous.

Then Nathaniel joined in the night time barking (along with the neighbor dog...) and I got a little more nervous.

Yesterday, Nathaniel began to run a fever and has kept it most of yesterday and today (although it started to break tonight I think. At least he was sweaty and his temp was normal as of 9pm). When I called my friend to let her know I couldn't watch her kids tomorrow because of Nathaniel's fever we were talking about how Caleb *may* have gotten Nathaniel sick. I assured her that it probably wasn't the case (and even if it was the case, who was to know? It's not like he knowingly contaminated people). Then she told me that the Swine flu has a week incubation period.

Oh crap.

So, if Nathaniel's fever is not gone by tomorrow I will be taking him to the pediatrician to see if he indeed has the Swine Flu.

Not that the pediatrician can do anything about it if he does. Nathaniel will just have to be miserable for a few more days and enjoy taking his yummy medicine. In fact, he threw a fit tonight because I didn't give him more medicine when his fever was down.

But, it's just more adventures for our family. Something to tell Sam about. I just hope Aaron steers clear of it! He's too little to get sick like that.

Oh. And I hope I don't get it because something tells me that getting knocked on my butt with the Swine Flu is not on my top ten list of things to do while Sam is on deployment.

1 comment:

Cheryl Smith said...

The incubation period for most viruses is about 7 days. You may be lucky to get the virus this year. It's expected to rear up again during flu season next year and will likely have mutated to a more virulent bug. You'll have protective antibodies if everyone catches the lower virulence version of it now. Good luck! and get enough fluids!